Saturday, February 14, 2004

I've been goofing around a lot recently, and it has been fun. I admit, I enjoy it about as much as the next guy. Who doesn't mind letting loose for a while and trying to be goofy. That's a major part of my personality, and I am not ashamed to admit it or even link to it. The main purpose of this site, however, has always been to monitor and give commentary on the situation in the LCMS. News has occurred, but I haven't been reporting it, mainly because I have been distracted. Here's my feeble attempt to catch up on what has been happening.

President Kieschnick issued a memo on January 22 on what has happened in the synod recently. You can find commentaries on this memo here, here, here, here, and here. I shouldn't have to give any commentary after reading all of that commentary (which I have).

Anyway, if you want to see all the other depressing news, check out Concord's new section, Concord's opinion section, and Synod in convention to see everything that I've missed, including another response to Jesus First.

Talk about information overload.

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