Friday, January 13, 2006

I've been back in Wichita since Tuesday afternoon, and I am so happy I got to visit Elle. She knows me so well, she even took me to a performance of Bach cantatas in an LCMS church while I was there. Too bad the church in question practiced open communion and had an ELCA hymnal supplement (HS 91) in their pews. They might have been able to get me up and actually attend there if those two things hadn't been painfully obvious. After seeing the extremely sad state of the LCMS churches in the area, I'll continue to attend WELS churches while up there and, if I end up moving, will join a WELS church there. After attending that cantata performance and seeing what is going on, I realized pietism might be easier to fight off than the do innovations that were taking place in that congregation. Of course, the District President of the Northwest District won't lift a finger because he seemingly likes what is going on and continues to nurture it, to the detriment of Lutheranism as a whole. Anyway, if you have read Lutheran Jargon for a while now, you will see I'm just confirming in Anchorage some of what he has seen happen in Fairbanks.

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